Your interest in Summit County ARES is most welcome and you are invited to join.
Any licensed amateur radio operator living or working in Summit County is eligible to apply for membership in Summit County ARES (SUMCO-ARES). We may have the title of "Amateur" Radio Operators but there is certainly nothing "amateur" about the quality of the services that we provide and we are constantly striving to improve on those services. With this in mind, on an increasing basis ARES organizations are following national standards necessary for a volunteer to be useful in an emergency situation. In order to meet these requirements and to be eligible to be issued an ARES ID the Summit County ARES organization requires the following:
- That the member participates in at least one ARES sanctioned Public Service event per year
- That the member attends at least 2 ARES meetings per year
- That the member has a current NWS Skywarn Spotter ID
- That the member has completed the following training:
A limited associate membership is also available to licensed amateurs
who are primarily employed in Summit county or have other significant
interest in Summit county. Associate members are expected to be active
participants of ARES or RACES in their county of residence.
to open the SUMCO ARES registration form.