Training/Event Signup


ARES Training/Event Signup

Class dates and Meeting Places

Classes are periodically offered. Dates, times and locations are posted under the
"Training / Events"->"Training / Event Signup" menu option on this web site.

You can signup online by filling in the form below or by contacting
Ken Dorsey, KA8OAD, by email at weather -at- neo.rr.com

Fill in your name, callsign, email address, and phone number to sign up for an event.
If you have additional comments please add them to the "Additional Comments:" field.

Required fields are RED
Your Name:
Cell Phone:
T-Shirt Size:No Thanks  S  M  L  XL  2XL  3XL
Additional Comments:

NOTE: Events in BLUE text provide T-shirts for Volunteers. If you signup for a BLUE event make sure to select your T-shirt size above.

What event would you like to participate in? (you may check more than one)

No event signups at this time

You will recieve confirmation within three days of your signup. Confirming the date and other needed information.