Training/Event Signup


ARES Training/Event Signup

Class dates and Meeting Places

Classes are periodically offered. Dates, times and locations are posted under the
"Training / Events"->"Training / Event Signup" menu option on this web site.

You can signup online by filling in the form below or by contacting
Ken Dorsey, KA8OAD, by email at weather -at- neo.rr.com

Fill in your name, callsign, email address, and phone number to sign up for an event.
If you have additional comments please add them to the "Additional Comments:" field.

Required fields are RED
Your Name:
Cell Phone:
T-Shirt Size:No Thanks  S  M  L  XL  2XL  3XL
Additional Comments:

NOTE: Events in BLUE text provide T-shirts for Volunteers. If you signup for a BLUE event make sure to select your T-shirt size above.

What event would you like to participate in? (you may check more than one)

Akron Marathon: Saturday September 28, 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

You will recieve confirmation within three days of your signup. Confirming the date and other needed information.