2015 Meeting Archives and Reference Materials

February 2015 Meeting Information - Squiggle Lan Messenger for HSMM Presentation by Ken (KA8OAD)
Squiggle Powerpoint
Click on the link to open or save the presentation (pptx file, filesize: ~49Kb)

March 2015 Meeting Information - GNU Radio and GNU Radio Companion Presentation by Ken (KA8OAD)
GNU Radio Companion Powerpoint
Click on the link to open or save the presentation (pptx file, filesize: ~626Kb)
GNU Radio Companion PDF file
Click on the link to open or save the handout (pdf file, filesize: ~1339Kb)
Ken's notes for building the DEMO WBFM radio
Click on the link to open or save the handout (txt file, filesize: ~4Kb)

5 sample .GRC (GNURadio Companion) project files to open in GRC
These are the same sample files that were demonstrated in the presentation
Click on the link to download the file (all files are in .zip format and will need to be unzipped):
DEMO.grc - this is the Wideband FM Receiver demo from the presentation
dial_tone.grc - this is the demo for a dial tone generator
simple.zip - this is the simplified version of the Wideband FM Receiver
spec_fft.grc - this is the simple spectrum analyzer for the RTL-SDR dongles
NARROWBAND.grc - this is the Narrowband FM receiver
VHF-UHF NARROWBAND FM transceiver.grc - this is the Narrowband FM receiver

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